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"... International, multilingual, professional actress with strong dramatic skills and a flair for comedy... very versatile, deep and passionate at work"

Alexandra Fedorovsky


About me

About Me


Born in Ukraine, raised in Israel, studied in the US, spent a year in Germany.


Alexandra Fedorovsky is a multilingual and multi-cultural Jewish actress. 


Since her early childhood, she used to act and perform in school.

being a bookworm and a film enthusiast, little Alex grew up to be a professional actress. 


At the age of 16, she enrolled in theatre major, in Wizo, one of the best art high schools in Israel. After successful studies, Alexandra did two years of military service at the IDF.

Then, she auditioned and was accepted to a bachelor's degree program in acting and theatre at the University of Haifa, Israel.​


Alexandra also studied in a study abroad acting program in University of Rchmond, USA and later took more workshops to deepen her craft. These workshops included Ivana Chubbuck acting method and Micheal Chechkov approach.



When she's not on stage or on set, Alexandra loves to play guitar and piano, travel, eat sushi, read books, watch films and spend time with her family.






Hey! It's Me. Video Introduction.

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Above the Clouds

Contact Me



Agency Germany: ARTISDO




Agency Israel: Star Management



Request a self tape audition or book me for your project!

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